Eric Wolfram's Directory, Exchange links with

Can I Exchange Links with
The answer is a resounding yes. I encourage you to link. Links are the foundation of the Web and you are welcome to link to as many pages on my site as you want.

Although search engines use 'link popularity' for ranking web sites, the algorithms of today are much more sophisticated then that. Feel free to ask me to link to your site, however, please note that:

  1. I, of course, reserve the right to determine which sites appear in my own directory.
  2. If I don't see how your site is helpful to me or others, I won't link to it.
  3. If you don't tell me how your site relates to the subject of my page, you probably don't have a good chance of motivating me.
  4. I certainly do not link to adult sites, SPAM pages, get rich quick pages, racist pages, or sites that only exist to 'bump' link popularity.
  5. If you can offer a helpful backlink, that goes a long way with me...

Here's how to link to my site:

Please note that I watch who I link too. I will visit your site and determine if there is a page that is appropriate and relevant for me to link to. I'm looking to see if your site is helpful to someone in some way, I'm looking for a page that cuts through the subterfuge.

About This Page
I keep this directory so that I can remember the sites I visit frequently. It's really for my own maximum effectiveness. When people ask me to link to their site, I only do so if it makes sense to do so or if they talk about me in their blog or something. Please let me know if anything on this page is misleading, needs updating or additions.

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